2013年12月3日 星期二

2013 Global Education Conference

2013 Global Education Conference
2013 全球教育研討會 線上發表時間


2013 全球教育研討會 線上發表時間  11/20-22
從此刻起有16場機會 歡迎自行連結想要看的國際直播發表會
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Wedn., Nov. 20   11/20(三)

7AM EST (12:00 GMT)   pm8:00
Join Radijojo World Children's Media Network: Award winning global competency empowerment for your students- Thomas Rohlinger.  How to participate in one of the world's best (and non-commercial!) global learning media networks.

I like to try on Radijojo media.  It is the first time I heard about it.

8AM EST (13:00 GMT)   pm9:00 相片旅程專案在孟加拉、巴基斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、美國的執行現況
Photojournalism 2.0 and 2.014 Engaging Educators in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Tajikistan and the United States - Nicole Weitzner. Farah Kamal, Firuz Baratov.  Join us and learn about iEARN’s unique and exciting Photojournalism 2.0: Images of Social Change program and how you can participate in this year’s Photojournalism 2.014: Heritage, Hunger, and Food Security program.

My students have join in Photojournalism project.  They decided by themselves by checking the year project book to select. 

By this presentation and introduction,  I felt it is a meaningful project.  I learned a lot.  And I met some teachers from Morocco and Australia, We decided to cowork on this project.

7AM EST (12:00 GMT)   11/21 pm8:00 因實體交換學生,對西非學生造成的衝擊
The Impact of Physical Exchanges on West African Students- Aqeela Jogee Cutter, Francois Donfack, Leroy Beldeh, and Jane Peters. The impact physical exchanges have on students from West Africa.

After this topic sharing, I understand that USA support students from Africa to experiment the life abroad.  I think USA is a great country to do that.  It is meaningful.

10AM EST (15:00 GMT)   11/21 pm11:00  德光中學和敘利亞參與俄羅斯老師Rimma發起的Local History經驗發表

iEARN Local History Project as a tool to develop the 21st Century Skills and enhange cross-cultural dialogue - Rimma Zhukova, Patty Wu, Hiba Kheirbik. This session is about the iEARN Local History project and its activiites enhance our students key competencies.   (result  14 participate, 5 moderator)

I was invited by Rimma, the facilitator of Local History Project.   I host Rimma to my home when the iEarn yearly conference in Taiwan.  We have wonderful friendship to each other.  From then,  I joined in LHP project with my students for three years.  Thanks for  Rimma's kindness.  She is the perfect and hard working facilitator.

